
Ding Tongmin, deputy secretary of CPC Municipal Committee and Minister of the organization, came to our company for investigation

Date: 2022-10-28


The main persons in charge of the company warmly received and introduced our company's product development, sales and development prospects to the city leaders in detail.

After having a detailed understanding of the enterprise's business development and scientific and technological innovation work, the city leader encouraged the relevant enterprises to firmly establish the sense of innovation and deeply understand that scientific and technological investment is the most potential and effective investment, to combine with the actual situation of the enterprises , deep plough in the field to carry out technological innovation. He stressed that the district functional departments and streets should work hard and make practical measures on in-depth service, contact and communication with enterprises frequently, grasp the different situations of each enterprise in a targeted way, help the enterprises to solve the problems encountered in development, and help the enterprises to innovate in science and technology to see actual results, achieve real results and set a new record.

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